Wednesday, May 23, 2007

blured day

omg i realise how much i have learn from all my modules.. thank god my lecturer kind enough to teach =) well it just felt good to be studying agian and doing my work.. glad i am back on track .. it just felt good u noe to be on track studying and all.. whew...

anyway yesterday was quite a long day.. i aready blog half of it.. till in the library studying.. then hamster came also in the end watch movie jaws lol.. super old school la.. only watch it not even half way.. later the rest of them decided to go eat dinner. but beatrie and mel din want to go.. they wanted to go home.. guess what mel almost got banged by a car la.. she lost control of her balance and she is just 1 step away steping on the road and get bang.. thank god my reflects was still in touch to pull her back.. haiz... its damn scary ... both of them obviously werent okay yesteday... sent hamster back home and reach home around 11 plus.. omg i had no food to eat at home la.. in the end ate some donuts only lol.. had abit of talk wif her yesterday by messaging.. well she needs time and space to get straight.. think i should give her the time and space la.. or else it would be worse.. there is nothing i can do but to just wait now... and its not that easy than i thought..


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