hell been since a while typing in my blog.. =) just woke up only.. later must go BBQ at west coast part.. for one of the ncc gal part c bdae lol... i now still very tired .. like very lazy to go.. but i aready agree to meet the rest.. well... i guess i still have to go.. dicky comming to my house today also thats why! haha... the pic was taken ard apirl or march.. having photo taking session for my band haha.. so far now i still dun really get to play keyboard in my band.. guess i have to really train very hard on my keyboard ... the song i learning now is coldplay yellow.. so if i master this song.. i can play wif my band aready hehe... aiya... i now wan to make a band that can really make good music.. by the way i look it now.. not everyone is motivated enough either.. espcially hisham.. aiya.. i got to kick him out somehow .. cause he dosen't have the burning disire to make music... daniel now have been improving since than.. but he joins another band also in my band.. then now i also dunnoe where he wants to be.. it would be a huge impact if he leaves... now we just train up our skills... after my n levels.. i wanna start making music aready... cause it really has been wat i wanted to do always... a music composed and when ppl listen.. and alot of them will like it.. one of the thing that i can't do in my life now is to bring up the moral and shake everyones bud.. i will prove to the world one day.. cause i tried talking infront of ppl b4.. they would just keep quiet .. and now i noe.. i can't speak wif my words.. i will speak wif my music the next time... i am not really a good speaker in a crowd.. maybe i am nervous or wad.. i dunnoe .. lets see abt that.. now also been trying hard to study ... in class now more focus .. haha.. okie la.. so far it has been good for me =)