finally... this has ended! the thinking all that .. which cause me time damage for the past few days... yea.. i have to set my goal clear.. !!! lucky today history the paper came out the topic which i only studied =) haha... well.. i feel so bless...
Today went out to study wif jun hui,ho hwee,hui ling,jun wei , chee fatt and hannah... i really thankful to have them as frens... =) i guess that friends are important!! they want to see everyone of us happy =) today they comfort me... cause something seriously went wrong... i was kind of angry and abit sad.. ya noe.. the shit feeling comes back... and kim called me at night saying that i told everyone abt wat her sis said to me today... well.. i just wanna get this CLEAR! dun make up stories just like that... i have my friends to be wif.. dosen't mean i am restricted to go wif them.. i have my own freewill.. well i guess this is just some big misdunderstanding.. which i really really hate... aiya.. watever is it... I must still be strong... i was prepared for all this to happen.. shit always happens.. yea i agree!! lol.. alot of ppl keep asking me to patch up wif ellice.. but its like veri bhb ... i dunnoe how to..... but now i got this clear.. when i broke off on monday .. i was 95% sure that it wun work out.. and now its 100% =) haha.. the rate of things i see its going.. so shity .... friends are better of wif.. hahaha now got name for my friends so fun HJ!! haha
Finally i am so happy after 5 days of thinking... now can relec relec.. WOHOO!! =) the feeling of being single is good.. i miss it hahaha.. =) it i am to not to be single agian.. i got to make sure its got to be better than the feeling of being single... i relise that friends like those in the HJ group are true frens... =) had great time wif them... accopany me all along when i was in shit last few days.. thanks for everything =) now i am out of this shity world.. thanks for pulling me out of it.. and where all the truth comes up !!
Now i noe wat i must do.. =) shhshshsh those who know.. haha.. I MUST GET IT !! my destiny ... my life !! YEA>>> ROCK SO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!