today had my 2nd last paper for my n levels..
still got 1 more paper!!! ACCOUNTS!! hahaha
yea... i been waiting for this moment...
So far my n levels has been good la..
Sure to make it!! =)
Met ellice for the past 2 days...
I was truly happy whenever i get to meet her..
Today b4 my maths paper.. i went to play pool wif my classmates..
she message my hp saying that she misses me =)
ya.. i miss her too alot...
now i getting a little more free.. so i whenever i have the time
i will always want to see her...
to be wif her.... *hughug*
just now quite lame also wat happen..
i thot the gig was today.. the lime gig at ochard..
its suppose to be on 9 october.. and i thot today was 9 oct !! wahh
hahaha. afiq and jun wei wanted to kill me...
in the end we watch exosist... damn shocking.. until i close my ears..
soo loud.. until my hair stand... hahah.. okie la the show...
tml will be a new day.. and i miss my dear dear.. =(
okie la.. i also nothing much to say ..
nitez matez!!! =)