today had an A02 meeting agian! =) was really happy to see all of them once agian.. i will never forget.. the point of that i din wanna leave jj because of them.. it was nice seeing vicknesh,chee png,ji shen,celestine,kuinoi,yuvette,matani,ebigal,xinyi and germaine once agian.. really made my day.. oh ya i am so sowie kui noi i forgotten to wish u a happy 17th birthday!! i came late duo.. because of some idiot!! chengleong!! wahha idiotic sia.. go take my jeans and run away.. left me in my underwear only.. waste my time and made me miss 2 bus!! lol.. played soccer at the new court agian.. was really going wild just blasting the ball here and there.. at least i scored a few hehee.. today my skool had a bazar, giving free drinks.. ayat treated me ice cream cause he think that the gal that is selling it has looks?? hahaha... went to library to play this stupid drum game wif ayat.. always wanan challange me.. its in my blood.. of course u noe who won.. :P
i been quite radical these few days.. gettling loose all over just pouring my emotions out by ya noe.. talking wad i felt like.. i could like suddenly get serious over something.. people say i am shy.. but i say that once u make me feel welcome.. i become a irritating bastard!! haha... tml thinking of going back to skool to do maths wif ayat.. not really sure duo.. but yea they are comming to my house to jam =) hope that exams are over and i pass all of them.. 2months break follows on!! yea.. time to WORK!!! MONEY I NEED!! hahai wanan get a new guitar.. please someone spon me lol.. oh ya next week i am starting to fast! wah.. and than it would hari raya!!! money agian once more.. hehe..
last nite i slept at 5am thanks to ayat and zul talking to them all night.. its gay!! lol.. but yea.. me and zul wrote out a few songs aready.. me and him not long ago had been broke off by our relationships.. so yea.. we start writing thigns out.. and out album is gonna send a message to all those who cheated us... and some other stuffs..
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