Hello people again... back from FOC trail camp.. lost my voice haha.. as usual.. had really a great time there.. its been a year back when i was that really happy. becoming a GL this time round.. feels damn good.. well to tell you the truth i cant wait for the actual camp to be rocking wif the freshies.. leading the hundreds agian... i really enjoy leading big group of people since i was in secondary school days in NCC.. even i was suppose to be the one that is fierce and Evil the big one.. haha i guess i just wanna make everyone happy and have a fun learning journey bonding them together.. i really miss the times i had in sec skool days in camp.. this FOC camp is gonna be bigger and more fun... the trail camp was quite a big success for all the GLs.. i had 4 days non stop fun hahaha... reall i enjoyed myself really alot... even i hate to admit i did stone in the camp at certain point of time is because i am like recalling how was is it like again being so bonded wif my group like we it happen last year wif naga.. well i was kinda named during the trail camp but who cares as long it makes everyone happy and so do i hahaha... i really hope that my group PERCIVAL would be one of best group in the coming FOC.. coming up wif your very own original cheers.. is just awesome. .just like playing music to me.. now the biggest challenge how to make the first day of FOC for the freshie real fun wif a big bang haha.. no more cock ups.. just pure fun and madness hahha... after being through the trail camp.. i just wanna be wif my group members.. they are sooo FUN!! haha.. even losing our voices we still joke around and laugh like monkeys haha.. 3 more weeks.. i think the gls should meet up more and more often to have the strong bonding.. this coming monday we are going to sentosa! haha surely this one confirm damn fun.. from today onwards i will try my very best to update my blog more often.. cause i dun want this point of my life to just pass by.. i wan to have a memoir of this moment even nobody cares.. yea..
another thing that is my biggest concern is the audition at ben n jerry next tuesday... omg my band wif the lack of practice.. die sia... i wanna really have a solid band to break into the music industry wif has always been my biggest dream.. well i really hope so i do get in someday.. i pray hard that this audition is the first step for us =)
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