Hello mates.. its been really a long time since i update my blog.. ohh my.. haha anyway.. i think this blog is dead sooner or later.. anyway.. life update.. after o levels..after grad nite.. after chalet.. things went pass very fast.. now holidays till jan.. will be in jjc for 1st 3 months.. omg.. its like impossible for me ya noe.. haha but i got it.. in the jjc soccer team.. yea hope my legs can do wonders to help them =)
its really a pleasure to be in a jc.. its something i long wanted to be in.. and since this year the begining.. those thoughts have faded because i used to think that being in jc could help me caught up wif time.. and yea things happen than.. and i gave up hopes on jc.. after awhile during my o levels.. i am like wtf... can i get into jc by soccer? cause i heard from a fren who did it wif 32 points to sajc.. lol.. so yea why not give it a try.. and yea.. i went to jjc.. hope i get into that skool.. superb.. the ppl there are friendly.. its fun.. long time since i played in such a team.. looks like this would be a huge moral booster for me.. and yea.. hope things go right for me =)
Thursday, December 15, 2005
Monday, November 14, 2005
yea...4 more papers and i am a gonner haha.. =) i am reparing my computer now.. so that i can play WOW!!! wtf.. haha.. my bro put password on his laptop.. which is quite unexpected because once and agian.. they do this only after some papers? haha=)anyway i manage to hacked it and delete the password.. for the fun of it =) its quite fun to hack passwords ya noe.. its just so tempting.. so it came and i did it.. dun use it much either even i could use.. i used my com instead.. thats why i am patching things up now!!!my com will be up one day agian.. good =)
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
oh sheet mates.. my exams are comming! actually just excited that its gonna be all over.. i just waved goodbye to my chinese paper for the last time yesterday lol.. was actually staring at the paper.. that its gonna be the last chinese test of my life i hope so =) haha.. anyway its better than the 1st attemp definately!! hari raya this thursday.. hehe.. i am gonna be rich agian.. fasting left 2 days.. tml last day.. wooohooo!!!!!
Sunday, October 23, 2005
hey wads up mates.. hrmm nothin much.. actually my life is always the same. .stress and exams coming.. i promise that my blog will be alive agian after my o levels... RAWK ON!!
Monday, October 17, 2005
time is running out
been quite a while since i update cause my parents has be hogging me since i blog too much.. haiz... if i really can't contact my pals online.. i shall do it the old skool way.. letter or phone .. lol... my exams this thursday!! can't believe it.. and 1.5 months to go!!! woOOH!!! anyway.. i replied my email to shannon this morning.. lol.. its actually a gal from new zealand cool.. =) anyway.. after replying i decided to explore my email folders.. haiz.. guess wad.. i am still keeping ellice's folder.. all the emails we had from last year all the way till march? theres quite alot.. lol.. i was reading from the start of how it began.. and the missing part is just the ending.. cause i dunnoe.. damn me.. how come i kept thinking of it.. haiz.. its really hard to forget.. but just to let it pass =)
Monday, October 10, 2005
haiz... today just like any other day.. just that these few days i had flashbacks of ellice.. which is weird.. cleaning up my room today wif my bro.. discovered that i had quite a number of things that belongs to her is wif me.. lol.. strange keeping her stuff now.. and i browse through all the gifts and letters.. fresh memories.. its like an artifact.. milestone .. yea indeed it is... just a little flash back wad happen one year ago till now.. just amazing... yesterday was a history.. dunnoe wad tml brings.. all i can just do is work hard and make it happen.. =)
Friday, October 07, 2005
3rd day of fasting
hello dudes.. its been a long time since i relec... haiz.. stressing on my upcomming exams.. really wanna get good grades.. btw i practice singing just now in skool.. damn cool.. trying to make the song nicer.. ITs YOu! lol.. first time in my life i could sing a song.. while daniel was playing the guitar part.. really .. its the first time i could really enjoy singing in my life.. cause there is always no one there for me to play something so i can sing.. i realise that this is one of the reasons why i couldn't sing well.. victor said i had a nice voice and if i could learn how to sing properly .. i it would be fantastic.. well.. daniel said i can become a proper singer one day.. i really felt so motivated for once in my singing .. still cant believe that i can actually sing one day.. i am used to always being shut all the time whenever i sing.. now its getting better =) and it really feels better than feeling hungry while fasting!!!
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
last day
lol.. today is the last day that i can enjoy eating in daylight.. tml gonna fast aready.. haiz.. cannot do anything much aready=( cause most of the time i will be eating? haha.. anyway. i;ve been studying alot recently... its tiring and quite stressful.. anyway.. i have been thinking abt my band.. and i think its not going well.. cause i realise that we have alot of things to do.. and set up a strong belief system in the band.. anyway.. thats all for today sowie =( tired la!
Monday, October 03, 2005
today was sleepy in the morning .. goin through my crap papers.. haiz.. should have scored hight instead =( well.. after that went through all the other lessons.. damn.. its now just in one class!! i mean we only stick to one classroom now!!wtf.. =( my position is not that good as the ones we go to other rooms.. gonna miss my united englando team... at least i learn alot from them too.. but now.. its on my own.. lol.. sound so spas.. anyway.. stayed back at skool just now.. studied till 6 plus .. went home.. relec.. till now.. nothing much to say i guess?? =)
Friday, September 30, 2005
helloz... this morning just told my parents my results when i got up.. cause my dad was asking me.. really had a bad scolding.. so i pretended i went back to sleep cause i expected it all.. ya noe.. when u aready noe wad they gonna scold ya.. went to skool leaving my handphone behind cause i wanna break free.. yea.. so when i reached skool.. thinking that if i went back home i can never study cause they would be busy scolding me.. therefore i went home at 7.30 pm .. studied in skool all the way... i felt better after studying cause i noe i am improving each time i study.. after all the stress i face these few days.. i hope it has to go away..
now have to complete my english hwk which is tml! wah i think i wake up tml morning agian than do.. cause i am very tired and wore out now.. i realise my english spelling is getting worse and worse.. i think should read more chim books or something.. my compo i just pass only .. haiz.. i think i gonna just abandon my chinese once and for all.. cause i wanna really pump my other subjects.. my accounts i think i have to do beside someone who is good at it.. cause there are many things i that missed out.. =(
i am just hungry for better grades in my o levels.. i really hope i get the courses i want went i get back my results.. the feeling of getting 32 for l1r4 is like F!@#! cause i am imagining this is my o levels results.. lol. which is freaking me out and putting alot of stress.. the only way to efface my stress is just to study and become smarter.. lol.. sounds werid but i think i should really pump all my top 5 subjects ..
when i came home.. as usual they will ask me where did i go? and why i never bring my hp along.. than i said i forgotten to take it and i studied in skool. and they say i should at least called home or something.. but DUH!! like real they will let me study in skool till so late.. cause they dying to see me study at home.. i blasted to them that i did study at home b4 the exams and see wat happen? the truth is my home is not a place to study.. no matter how u arrange it now.. skool is the best place.. cause i have freedom own time own target and teachers to guide me or teach me when i dunnoe anything.. lol. but the weird thing is that my dad bought me guitars strings as he noe i needed it and cables.. and told me abt usa made guitars which he went to see just now.. i dunnoe why the change of subject.. well.. a few days ago i told him that since when did they ever trusted me in the house? they claim they did but i dun feel it... and i said that if they really trusted me... they wun order me around like a dog and watch me like hawk.. its just killing me.. studying at home is not my way of life.. its true and u can't change it.. u can never force a person to study... only the person can force himself.. and by doing that.. the person needs motivation.. which i dun really have from them much.. they agian claim they did in directly but once agian its not my way of life..
enough of this crap... =(
now have to complete my english hwk which is tml! wah i think i wake up tml morning agian than do.. cause i am very tired and wore out now.. i realise my english spelling is getting worse and worse.. i think should read more chim books or something.. my compo i just pass only .. haiz.. i think i gonna just abandon my chinese once and for all.. cause i wanna really pump my other subjects.. my accounts i think i have to do beside someone who is good at it.. cause there are many things i that missed out.. =(
i am just hungry for better grades in my o levels.. i really hope i get the courses i want went i get back my results.. the feeling of getting 32 for l1r4 is like F!@#! cause i am imagining this is my o levels results.. lol. which is freaking me out and putting alot of stress.. the only way to efface my stress is just to study and become smarter.. lol.. sounds werid but i think i should really pump all my top 5 subjects ..
when i came home.. as usual they will ask me where did i go? and why i never bring my hp along.. than i said i forgotten to take it and i studied in skool. and they say i should at least called home or something.. but DUH!! like real they will let me study in skool till so late.. cause they dying to see me study at home.. i blasted to them that i did study at home b4 the exams and see wat happen? the truth is my home is not a place to study.. no matter how u arrange it now.. skool is the best place.. cause i have freedom own time own target and teachers to guide me or teach me when i dunnoe anything.. lol. but the weird thing is that my dad bought me guitars strings as he noe i needed it and cables.. and told me abt usa made guitars which he went to see just now.. i dunnoe why the change of subject.. well.. a few days ago i told him that since when did they ever trusted me in the house? they claim they did but i dun feel it... and i said that if they really trusted me... they wun order me around like a dog and watch me like hawk.. its just killing me.. studying at home is not my way of life.. its true and u can't change it.. u can never force a person to study... only the person can force himself.. and by doing that.. the person needs motivation.. which i dun really have from them much.. they agian claim they did in directly but once agian its not my way of life..
enough of this crap... =(
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
fark results
hello mates.. haiz. my results are damn horrible.. but not so bad la.. cause i am confident that my o levels wouldnt be much a problem.. my results reflects on the little effort i put in.. my humanities is the best among all and is the least that i studied besides accounts and chinese.. lol.. i think i put maths science and humans are my 3 main subjects.. to get distinction!!! my english just pass only 50 %!! wahha.. and my accounts okok la.. get D7.. but its dissapointing that my maths only get c6 and science d7!! fail sia. nvm la.. my practical i screwed up wif my mcq.. think if i put more effort getting a B grade should not be a problem.. well.. my L1R4 this time is 31 !!! wah.. only can go republic poly..lol.. better than no place actually.. just get the fark out of sec skool yea.. also not to go ITE la of course.. from 31 to 15 for L1R4 should be okay la.. my maths confirm must score one sia.. alot of careless mistakes.. i think i should have gotten around B4 if i have less errors.. =( but i should aim for A1 my maths now.. time to do papers everyday.. and my science also!! my humanities just read more regularly la.. anyway.. my results i am quite convience because i have done much BETTER!!! than MiD YEAR!!! knn.. THE BIG PROBLEM IS THAT MY FAMILY WILL NOT TOLERATE THE MARKS I HAVE NOW AND THEY WILL DISCONNECT ALL MY FREEDOM PLUS BLOGGING AND INTERNET=( THIS IS GONNA BE HELL!!! SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE LET MY LIVE UNTIL I TAKE MY O LEVELS PLEASE!!! BEFORE I GO CRAZY AND CUT MYSELF LOOSE!! it motivated me alot base on my results.. so to me is okay.. BUT NOT TO THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!$#@&(!@^#(*@^(*!^(#!@
Saturday, September 24, 2005
my internet kena cut
hello... just to let u all noe that my internet for my com is cut!!! WAHAHHAHAHAHA.. anyway whenever i want to make it back online.. i must steal my mother's internet cable over to mine.. this is so spastic.. only when my prelims ends than they take out =( this is sadistic.. imagine wif the bad results la.. i think i dun even exist.. i am being cut loose..they said that i spend too much time on my blog?? @!#@!# lol.. i only spend 5-10 min posting my blog and nothing else wad.. my tagboard also like dead? haiz.. i guess sooner or later this blog will freeze agian.. this is so shite!
Thursday, September 22, 2005
today had my chem paper.. OMG!! i am like writing this in the same format? shit shit. since when did my creativity died.. =( anyway my english has been horrible ever since my orals.. darn.. i can speak propely and cant spell well.. NONONONONO!!!@! shit shit shit .. my prelims.. i dunnoe.. think maybe at least i will pass 4 subs now? hehehe.. mid year only pass 2.. so that is 100 % improvement.. muahah.. lol. anyway.. tml is chinese 2 and mcq for science.. today damn crap.. i hurt my toe!! banged it agianst the wall while playing soccer.. and it bled furiously.. but i continued playing soccer for another 2 hours hahahaha.. than now it hurts =( i knew this would happen.. hope it wont get infected .. cant wait till tml. and i am free !! MAUHAHA but hope my results is good la of course.. and my o levels. .muahaha.. anyway.. my MUM..!! wahhh.. just now when i told her that my o levels next month.. the first reaction was that she thinks i am not ready and i will do very bad cause i din study.. and i was mad at that cause i am prepared b4 prelims.. come on .. of course we have to prepared b4 any examinations.. i have IQ .. darn.. dunnoe wad they do to me if i had bad results for prelims.. i am gonna be busted by 4 ppl in da house if i do bad =( help me!! and if i get good grades.. i vowed to say that its my own effort and no one motivated me.. seriously everyone in the da house are killing me.. and my mum and eldest bro thinks that if i done well. is because of them pushing me.. i will proudly said that i motivated myself.. if i was weaker.. i could have gone and kill myself or runaway and make it impossible to find me.. this world is big.. sometimes wif just a little love to show.. it makes hell alot of a difference.. !!!!!! >=(
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
i very lazy to type agian la.. i just type of my problem blog aready haha.. so i copy and past wats there to here!! muahaha.. today papers okokok la.. english tyco easy and account maybe tyco pass and hope tml tyco maths get a1 MUAHAHAHha
NO worries mark.. thats what mates are made for =) anyway.. drums? aiyo.. dun we have a portable drumset? most to most kai do beat box haha.. its cool anyway.. our band must be flexible.. remember the performance b4 teachers day? we were beat boxing in the canteen man! haha.. and i think we can make it la.. we are good enougn** hahaha.. anyway.. mark u could have yur chance to sing ya song on grad nite.. how lovely would that be =) hahaha.. anyway heard abt afiq? he kena accident sia.. and suddenly got this gal message me claiming to be his ex.. which i never heard off.. psycho sia the gal.. say afiq play bass since he was 10 years old? !@# wtf.. haha u think i believe? than wanna boast to me that she knows afiq more than me.. than i was like damn wtf... she says she knows everything abt afiq.. than i forget to tell her this.. than why ask me abt him??!@!@#! hahhahahha.. lamer sia.. dun even noe if its really a gal anot.. to be so dumb and lame... i dunnoe how to see how afiq condition is as this gal is like covering him.. and one more thing.. she said that he have a band contee.. and he have connections wif MxPx ? lol.. even it was true.. wtf cares? haha.. i got MY PROBLEM!! thats wad i am proud off.. and i got connections wif 10 k man and ng beng kiong. .wad ya gotta say abt that.. LAlalalallalala i dun care aready.. one day i will find out the truth.. psycho sia!!!
NO worries mark.. thats what mates are made for =) anyway.. drums? aiyo.. dun we have a portable drumset? most to most kai do beat box haha.. its cool anyway.. our band must be flexible.. remember the performance b4 teachers day? we were beat boxing in the canteen man! haha.. and i think we can make it la.. we are good enougn** hahaha.. anyway.. mark u could have yur chance to sing ya song on grad nite.. how lovely would that be =) hahaha.. anyway heard abt afiq? he kena accident sia.. and suddenly got this gal message me claiming to be his ex.. which i never heard off.. psycho sia the gal.. say afiq play bass since he was 10 years old? !@# wtf.. haha u think i believe? than wanna boast to me that she knows afiq more than me.. than i was like damn wtf... she says she knows everything abt afiq.. than i forget to tell her this.. than why ask me abt him??!@!@#! hahhahahha.. lamer sia.. dun even noe if its really a gal anot.. to be so dumb and lame... i dunnoe how to see how afiq condition is as this gal is like covering him.. and one more thing.. she said that he have a band contee.. and he have connections wif MxPx ? lol.. even it was true.. wtf cares? haha.. i got MY PROBLEM!! thats wad i am proud off.. and i got connections wif 10 k man and ng beng kiong. .wad ya gotta say abt that.. LAlalalallalala i dun care aready.. one day i will find out the truth.. psycho sia!!!
Monday, September 19, 2005
today woke up at 4 pm lol.. after 18 hours of sleep.. tonite everton vs arsenal.. i am begining to feel worried for the results as everton are not doing well now.. the worst performance for everton.. tml having my accounts and english 2 .. account i think i will focus on mcq and some accounts.. using logic to answer most of the question.. hope at least i could pass my accounts this time round.. =)
Friday, September 16, 2005
long day..
hello peeps!! today had a really long day.. had social studies this morning and phyics too.. today's paper was easier than expected.. but its really stressfull.. since after my papers yesterday.. i been feeling stressful.. dunnoe why.. and it gives me headachs and drowziness but can't sleep!! this feeling sucks big time.. went to orchard just noe to register terry fox run which is held this sunday at SENTOSA!! wtf.. lol.. i am going wif someone i never met? a ang moh guy..giant.. wtf.. haha.. anyway.. my fren zh hao also going cause of his stupid red shite fan club.. just now when all the fans from diffent teams took the phototakings.. we were singing.. We hate man united.. we hate man untied.. We are MAN UNITED ........ .HATERS!!! hahaha.. damn hilarious.. ang moh sure has good sense of humour.. gotta learn to speak like them someday.. yea mate!
damn it
omg.. haha.. at nite still studying for phyics and social studies.. today.. i mean thursday.. i was very very stress just now.. after my maths paper 2.. i couldn't study.. and slept in the day.. and now.. awake.. still cannot really focus.. i think i been pushing too hard for my history aready... my social studies wif a above average pass will do.. =) my maths 2.. i think will pass la.. than maths 1 must die die get abt 85 percent correct! i make too many careless mistakes.. =( social studies i study very little only.. hope my source base is strong enough to pass my paper.. how i wish this was final year exam!
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
whwhahahahh.. woke up at 12!! must study today =( tml got history and maths.. my history...!! wahh.... my maths okok la.. but i wanna get A1 =(
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
yea ye
oohh my !!! MUAHAHAH i have create my very own band's blog!! isnt it cool shite? hehe.. but i guess it sucks after all even my entire day effort put into it.. anyway.. its at www.wearemyproblem.blogspot.com !! visit rite now.. okay.. since yur now at the web.. check out the vid!! NIRVANA!! WOOOHOOO cool shite.. wikid! anyway.. today had my english and chinese paper 1 .. felt too sleepy .. lol. but i finish too fast? =( anyway.. i am not sleepy now..!!!!!! WTH!!! haha.. tml no skool.. so study la ming!!
yea ye
oh my ....!! WE Got a BLOG!!! visit please.. www.wearemyproblem.blogspot.com !! rite away.. haha .. spend my whole day doing this blog.. the background still not good enough.. maybe more improvement by zul? the master haha =) anyway.. today had my papers.. damn sleepy!! but not now.. =( tml no skool.. so study la!!
Monday, September 12, 2005
woot..!! today had science practical.. rain like wad today.. sky dark like dunnoe wad.. than go home also dunnoe like wad.. than study like dunnoe wad.. and now also dunnoe doing wad.. wad?
Sunday, September 11, 2005
hey.. just came back from tuition at jurong east.. accounts tuition.. after tuition went to popular to buy some books for o levels!!! spend nearly 40 bucks.. danr.. i used my own money of the excceding ones=( anyway.. when i came back home at the bus stop there.. it started rainning heavy!!! WAHAWH@#! i had to cross the overhead bridge.. slipper keep falling out.. decided to run barefooted home lol..
Saturday, September 10, 2005
yea yea!=)
Hello dudes..! woohoo... i going crazy over my blog.. i love this blog.. muhahaha.. btw the song in the video is "time of your life" by greenday of course.. my fav song!! MUahahhaha=) damn.. my hitcounter dosen't seem to be working.. anyway.. i got to study 6 hours a day from yesterday? =( awhh.. i think only after my prelims than can relex alittle be.. and i go crazy over my blog agian..ahahhaha
Friday, September 09, 2005
hello.. i just added the video there ---->!! haha like it? or maybe its lagging =( anyway better maximize the window to have a better view =)
Hello lads.. its early in the morning.. preparing to go tuition at 11.30 and ends maybe at 1.30pm? than go out study wif victor and afiq agian.. darn.. why i post in the morning..? nothing much to say.. and i din have a dream that i dreamt last nite!
back in action
Hello dudes!! i am back here on blogspot.. wad do ya think of my new blog skin? greenday? yea they rox=) sowie that i kept this blog dead for a very very long time.. maybe cause my house is now downstairs? =x cause of my freaking o levels!!
my prelims is next week.. and now.. i am like.. not 100% focus? damn.. haha.. well i have to do well for prelims no matter wad.. i been practicing my maths so hard.. until i only revised for maths!! wth.. my humanities can go die aready.. i think i read the book 2-5 times.. the summarise ones can aready..ahahhaha... my mind still isn't on exams.. i just can't wait for all this to be over.. =(
i heard that i type to much for my blog? sowie if the person reading now is getting lazy to read.. well.. this is me.. and i wanna be myself:) okay la.. i think i from now onwards post here the small ones and maybe the longer ones on msn space? yea cools.. all my pics are there.. go take a look if ya one
check out on me.. i made that poem.. i din took lit.. so if it sucks.. i dun mind cause i suck at this!! hahaha... wahhawhh.. i am going nuts.. i prefer this blog to my previous one.. its more organise.. hehe...
maybe i show update everyday? haha if u all wan me to update more often.. pls shout it out in my tagboard!!!ahah keep this alive..
my prelims is next week.. and now.. i am like.. not 100% focus? damn.. haha.. well i have to do well for prelims no matter wad.. i been practicing my maths so hard.. until i only revised for maths!! wth.. my humanities can go die aready.. i think i read the book 2-5 times.. the summarise ones can aready..ahahhaha... my mind still isn't on exams.. i just can't wait for all this to be over.. =(
i heard that i type to much for my blog? sowie if the person reading now is getting lazy to read.. well.. this is me.. and i wanna be myself:) okay la.. i think i from now onwards post here the small ones and maybe the longer ones on msn space? yea cools.. all my pics are there.. go take a look if ya one
check out on me.. i made that poem.. i din took lit.. so if it sucks.. i dun mind cause i suck at this!! hahaha... wahhawhh.. i am going nuts.. i prefer this blog to my previous one.. its more organise.. hehe...
maybe i show update everyday? haha if u all wan me to update more often.. pls shout it out in my tagboard!!!ahah keep this alive..
Tuesday, May 17, 2005
hello mates!! i decided to continue my blog at http://spaces.msn.com/members/kayjm/ because its easier la haha =) u got to log in first than u can see ... thanks for all the support.. just that i would seldom post here la.. =)
Friday, May 06, 2005
exams today
HELLO MATESS....long time since i bolg in yea? haha.. today just had my chinese exams.. yesterday was english and the day before was english oral.. so far i think i did fairly la.. hope can pass... my english i expect to get higher grades of course la.. haha.. next week exams agian.. for 1 month i will be having exams.. including my o levels chinese...
these few days i been studying .. alot for chinese i hope i put it to good use and see if it works.. its really heart breaking to learn than never come out.. theres something in me which only a few ppl know.. i decided to toe the line.. because i never want to go full gear agian.. not never but .. its harder this time to go into full gear.. now its like i just sit and hope.. whatever happens i do the best out of it.. its something personally i would like to handle.. because i dun want to like ppl run it.. its just not rite.. not being me haha.. =)
so far.. i dunnoe if i had the chance to or not.. at first it seems that it is but somehow later on it just starting to fade away.. perhaps i am thinking too much.. haiz.. i should just let my hair down for once .. haha.. sit back and relec..
these few days i been studying .. alot for chinese i hope i put it to good use and see if it works.. its really heart breaking to learn than never come out.. theres something in me which only a few ppl know.. i decided to toe the line.. because i never want to go full gear agian.. not never but .. its harder this time to go into full gear.. now its like i just sit and hope.. whatever happens i do the best out of it.. its something personally i would like to handle.. because i dun want to like ppl run it.. its just not rite.. not being me haha.. =)
so far.. i dunnoe if i had the chance to or not.. at first it seems that it is but somehow later on it just starting to fade away.. perhaps i am thinking too much.. haiz.. i should just let my hair down for once .. haha.. sit back and relec..
Sunday, April 24, 2005
My finger!!
hello lads!! my finger is swollen so i can't type much.. very tirering and painfull =) i got this injury from my wu shu this morning!! got kick.. than i block.. but than my finger gave way... after that match.. i still can go for another match.. and i got elbow this time round at my face! lucky not serious .. its been a short day today .. the week ends are over so fast! haiz... i guess i thats all i have to say.. =)
Saturday, April 16, 2005
Damn tired
Hello... =) been very lazy to update myself.. there are so many things i wan to say but i am just damn lazy lol.. well i can say that life has been okay la.. only a few werid things happen.. not talking abt the dreams i had.. haha.. i still dun fell the stress of o levels yet.. i am not studying to my best yet.. haha.. i must start studying somehow.. my mid year is comming.. next month.. wonder if i could study myself or i need someone to really kick my butt than i will study lol.. I think that i still have so much more inside of life that i can exprience.. Now its like i am really enjoying as much as possible and yes i am having a great time. but can be improve =) i miss jamming!! this morning i played every instrument that went into my eyes.. and suddenly i start to listen werid songs like slipknot? Finch? shade apart? haha...really werid..
i am mentally and physically damn tired now.. i can sense that my life is comming near towards the start of peak.. lol.. my peak would be like so long later on in the future.. but i know that once i finished my o levels.. life will never be the same... not to mention i used to had plans of what to do.. begining of this year or ever ealier.. but now those plans i had are all erased and rewritten.. i got the freedom to choose whatever i want now.. lol.. but the consiquences are one thing i have to look for too.. haha... well.. i think my greatest would be living and studying in australia after my o levels =) hahaha... i just love the sports and people there and everything!! life would be greater.. than here! some ppl say that living for life at australia might not be good.. but .. WtF?? of course i wanna travel around the world dude.. hehe...
talking abt events happen one after the other.. i dun think that by thinking its all fated is the right thinking to have.. it dosen't make sense.. beacause only god have the abilty to do that.. right??! haha.. we have our own choices and freewill.. thats why we are created for! come on.. you are the script writer of your life! so thats what i am doing.. writing my story .. i hope when i die.. i hope to have a copy of what i done here.. haha..theres nothing to hide anyway.. i always hate keeping feelings and thoughts with myself.. making myself feel to self centered.. i am a straightforward person.. for those who truly do know me.. ye know wad i mean.. i hate beating around the bushes... bla bla bla .. in the end wads the point? haha.. still the same.. its either i suffer one shot big time or slowly suffering the pain until it hits the final part.. Duh!! i of course take it one shot..
Theres nothing else i can type here except myself.. thats the purpose of the blog.. its like my diary to write down my feelings.. if some ppl think that i always think for myself.. ye may be right.. or u may be wrong.. well.. let me tell u this.. god and me comes first.. always.. secondly is my parents.. than my family , relatives, friends, and the people around.. its this way.. i got to make my own stand first before i can go around helping others.. but i might end up hurting them!! lol..
okie.. yea.. i fill up so much words.. i am damn tired.. ZZzzzZZz
i am mentally and physically damn tired now.. i can sense that my life is comming near towards the start of peak.. lol.. my peak would be like so long later on in the future.. but i know that once i finished my o levels.. life will never be the same... not to mention i used to had plans of what to do.. begining of this year or ever ealier.. but now those plans i had are all erased and rewritten.. i got the freedom to choose whatever i want now.. lol.. but the consiquences are one thing i have to look for too.. haha... well.. i think my greatest would be living and studying in australia after my o levels =) hahaha... i just love the sports and people there and everything!! life would be greater.. than here! some ppl say that living for life at australia might not be good.. but .. WtF?? of course i wanna travel around the world dude.. hehe...
talking abt events happen one after the other.. i dun think that by thinking its all fated is the right thinking to have.. it dosen't make sense.. beacause only god have the abilty to do that.. right??! haha.. we have our own choices and freewill.. thats why we are created for! come on.. you are the script writer of your life! so thats what i am doing.. writing my story .. i hope when i die.. i hope to have a copy of what i done here.. haha..theres nothing to hide anyway.. i always hate keeping feelings and thoughts with myself.. making myself feel to self centered.. i am a straightforward person.. for those who truly do know me.. ye know wad i mean.. i hate beating around the bushes... bla bla bla .. in the end wads the point? haha.. still the same.. its either i suffer one shot big time or slowly suffering the pain until it hits the final part.. Duh!! i of course take it one shot..
Theres nothing else i can type here except myself.. thats the purpose of the blog.. its like my diary to write down my feelings.. if some ppl think that i always think for myself.. ye may be right.. or u may be wrong.. well.. let me tell u this.. god and me comes first.. always.. secondly is my parents.. than my family , relatives, friends, and the people around.. its this way.. i got to make my own stand first before i can go around helping others.. but i might end up hurting them!! lol..
okie.. yea.. i fill up so much words.. i am damn tired.. ZZzzzZZz
Tuesday, April 12, 2005
hello !! yea yea back from australia .. came back home on sunday nite.. lol.. i haven really upload my pictures yet because they are all wif my father and brother.. well.. haha the last day .. i went to cut my hair.. and i think its a new imagine of myself.. i like it.. dunnoe why .. its short and simple.. but one thing.. i really miss australia.. i had lots of fun over there.. life was better there.. Its all different.. from here .. the people the place the life!
when i was comming back.. in the plane.. was watching alexender.. than my brother told me to watch closer.. well.. the show Closer was great i can say.. even the ending is sad.. lol.. its a spider web love between 4 person.. jude law was the main actor.. i like him since he act in behind enemy gates.. well.. the story is abt him and this 2 girl.. firstly he was wif anna .. than both of them somehow got seprated as there wasn't much chemistry going on.. than 1 day.. jude law (Dan) was going to work.. and he saw this girl across the street.. alice .. he just kept looking into her eyes.. and the background music was i can get you out of my eyes.. both of them walk towards each other and still looking into their eyes.. suddenly alice was bang by a car.. than Dan quickly rush to her .. lol.. this part funny.. alice was on the road laying down cause she has been hit.. than she turn her head towards Dan and said" Hello stranger.. =) " lol.. Dan took her to the hospital and so on they became very close to each other until they had a relationship.. Dan told Anna about alice .. Anna told Dan that he should be serious about alice and forget abt Anna.. one day DAn went to the net and imitate himself as Anna and talk to this doctor .. lol!! i love this part.. dan go make the doctor think he is really a blonde who loves suducing people lol.. ya there are much more details than that.. than Dan told the doctor to meet Anna but the doctor din noe that Dan is making use of Anna identity.. ya than the doctor really met Anna and asking her to have sex wif him.. lol.. than Anna was shocked..than Anna said that it must be Dan who made this happen lol.. than Anna and the doctor named larry also became very close and they got married later on..
But Dan in his heart.. he still loves anna the most.. he was afraid to tell alice this.. and so later on he really did.. and alice left him.. Dan went to anna to ask her back. and she really did agreed to start fresh wif Dan and divorce wif larry..Dan is really smart in this show.. he asked anna how did she manage to divorce wif larry.. and he found out that larry only agreed to divorce wif anna until he had last sex wif anna.. lol.. this part larry is too much.. and anna really went to do it .. to be wif Dan.. Dan got angry... and he also left anna... Anna and larry were still married.. they continued on.. But Dan who still loves anna the most told larry.. and larry said that he found alice at the strip bar as a striper.. and he had sex wif her.. and gave Dan alice's address.. because Dan aready lost anna.. so Dan found alice and they met up .. they both still love each other alot.. than Dan asked alice if she did anything wif larry.. she din tell the truth.. than Dan gave her chances to speak out the truth.. but she still dosen't.. but by the time Dan convince alice to speak the truth.. alice said that she loves dan no more.. and told him that she had sex wif larry and she really enjoyed it.. Dan was convinced but also sad as alice lost feelings for him.. He just only wanted to hear the truth from her.. in the end.. Dan found out that alice real name was jane.. and she was actually making use the name alice from a person that had been rescue by Dan's father long ago.. ya.. than it ends..
but this show tells me many things.. the way Dan followed his heart.. i respect him.. he knows that if alice or anna really did loved him.. they would trusted him faithfully.. and to hear the truth from them..not hidding anything.. Dan never lied.. and he really show his true feelings.. Thats why its good to learn of how strong he was.. to control..
i like that show lol.. well. also i begin to listen to kelly clarkson.. her songs are good.. good voice too.. haha..
Now back wif skool.. soo many work! haha.. well i can handle it.. the freedom which i have is really good. my own time and space .. i really feel so blessed sometimes of having a family and know so much religion and this world.. the big understanding is wad i been learning to.. many many things that are unkown.. yet to discover.. =)
when i was comming back.. in the plane.. was watching alexender.. than my brother told me to watch closer.. well.. the show Closer was great i can say.. even the ending is sad.. lol.. its a spider web love between 4 person.. jude law was the main actor.. i like him since he act in behind enemy gates.. well.. the story is abt him and this 2 girl.. firstly he was wif anna .. than both of them somehow got seprated as there wasn't much chemistry going on.. than 1 day.. jude law (Dan) was going to work.. and he saw this girl across the street.. alice .. he just kept looking into her eyes.. and the background music was i can get you out of my eyes.. both of them walk towards each other and still looking into their eyes.. suddenly alice was bang by a car.. than Dan quickly rush to her .. lol.. this part funny.. alice was on the road laying down cause she has been hit.. than she turn her head towards Dan and said" Hello stranger.. =) " lol.. Dan took her to the hospital and so on they became very close to each other until they had a relationship.. Dan told Anna about alice .. Anna told Dan that he should be serious about alice and forget abt Anna.. one day DAn went to the net and imitate himself as Anna and talk to this doctor .. lol!! i love this part.. dan go make the doctor think he is really a blonde who loves suducing people lol.. ya there are much more details than that.. than Dan told the doctor to meet Anna but the doctor din noe that Dan is making use of Anna identity.. ya than the doctor really met Anna and asking her to have sex wif him.. lol.. than Anna was shocked..than Anna said that it must be Dan who made this happen lol.. than Anna and the doctor named larry also became very close and they got married later on..
But Dan in his heart.. he still loves anna the most.. he was afraid to tell alice this.. and so later on he really did.. and alice left him.. Dan went to anna to ask her back. and she really did agreed to start fresh wif Dan and divorce wif larry..Dan is really smart in this show.. he asked anna how did she manage to divorce wif larry.. and he found out that larry only agreed to divorce wif anna until he had last sex wif anna.. lol.. this part larry is too much.. and anna really went to do it .. to be wif Dan.. Dan got angry... and he also left anna... Anna and larry were still married.. they continued on.. But Dan who still loves anna the most told larry.. and larry said that he found alice at the strip bar as a striper.. and he had sex wif her.. and gave Dan alice's address.. because Dan aready lost anna.. so Dan found alice and they met up .. they both still love each other alot.. than Dan asked alice if she did anything wif larry.. she din tell the truth.. than Dan gave her chances to speak out the truth.. but she still dosen't.. but by the time Dan convince alice to speak the truth.. alice said that she loves dan no more.. and told him that she had sex wif larry and she really enjoyed it.. Dan was convinced but also sad as alice lost feelings for him.. He just only wanted to hear the truth from her.. in the end.. Dan found out that alice real name was jane.. and she was actually making use the name alice from a person that had been rescue by Dan's father long ago.. ya.. than it ends..
but this show tells me many things.. the way Dan followed his heart.. i respect him.. he knows that if alice or anna really did loved him.. they would trusted him faithfully.. and to hear the truth from them..not hidding anything.. Dan never lied.. and he really show his true feelings.. Thats why its good to learn of how strong he was.. to control..
i like that show lol.. well. also i begin to listen to kelly clarkson.. her songs are good.. good voice too.. haha..
Now back wif skool.. soo many work! haha.. well i can handle it.. the freedom which i have is really good. my own time and space .. i really feel so blessed sometimes of having a family and know so much religion and this world.. the big understanding is wad i been learning to.. many many things that are unkown.. yet to discover.. =)
Sunday, April 03, 2005
Sunday mates!
Hello mates agian.. what a beautiful and cool day.. haha =) din dare to bath in the morning.. was raining just now.. last nite i lazy to update my blog cause i was aready so sleepy and busy chatting haha.. its great here.. spend 1 day here .. it just feels so different..the lifestyle here is different.. everybody is cool and nice.. chill it mate.. haha.. singapore is just too rushy and hardly even feeling they are nice.. well.. i just the people here are more open minded and friendly..
HOw i wish i could even live here haha.. just me being me isn't enough i guess.. must always do things that is right.. i dun believe whatever i do is rite.. yesterday i realise that.. i been talking abt facts abt life all along and never even conduct myself well.. thats one thing.. its just good to know that.. because how i conducts.. tells the story of where i came from and what i am.. well.. i also know i big thing.. to unite ppl.. we should compare differences and start fighting.. a better way perhaps is to find the similarites..and we start from there.. i believe this is one of the right things we all should do.. this comming friday i will be going to my father's fren house and doing a talk abt relgion and stuffs.. i like doing this because i can really imply alot of this in my life.. SOmetimes just being me is not good.. i am not perfect.. but i should always look at the mirror and see how i conduct myself.. i dun believe by doing things in ritual.. should be from the heart and that is when we can show our true self.. the better side.. i mean like there is always a good thing in evey soul.. yea..
i gtg now.. going out now haha.. =)
HOw i wish i could even live here haha.. just me being me isn't enough i guess.. must always do things that is right.. i dun believe whatever i do is rite.. yesterday i realise that.. i been talking abt facts abt life all along and never even conduct myself well.. thats one thing.. its just good to know that.. because how i conducts.. tells the story of where i came from and what i am.. well.. i also know i big thing.. to unite ppl.. we should compare differences and start fighting.. a better way perhaps is to find the similarites..and we start from there.. i believe this is one of the right things we all should do.. this comming friday i will be going to my father's fren house and doing a talk abt relgion and stuffs.. i like doing this because i can really imply alot of this in my life.. SOmetimes just being me is not good.. i am not perfect.. but i should always look at the mirror and see how i conduct myself.. i dun believe by doing things in ritual.. should be from the heart and that is when we can show our true self.. the better side.. i mean like there is always a good thing in evey soul.. yea..
i gtg now.. going out now haha.. =)
Saturday, April 02, 2005
Life in australia
HEllo mates!! i got connection here in Australia!! WHO HOOO>>.... just had a long long day... lazy to type so many things!! i just upload pics.. hehehehe.. =) Rock On MATes!!
Wednesday, March 30, 2005
Staying awake to chase my dreams
Hello.. once agian.. i staying up late again 2 times in a row.. because i slept in the day.. =) now on channel 5 showing this concert by james dunnoe who haha..not bad.. can sing can dance can play piano.. cool ! tomorrow having chem test!! wahh.. still only noe a little.. die die.. lol.. well i am still counting... 3 more days!! i going off to australia!! yea... get the F*** out of here. and clear my thoughts.. i dun wan to only be kept in well like a frog where u only see the circumfrence of the well.. and the world out there is so big!
I've seen so much.. and i know there is more! World.. i only seen singapore and a few other countries.. i wish i could see the entire world! Thats why bening in a band going to a world tour.. is great! well.. now i only see the world from my pc or books.. but it can never be as real as being there.. People always limit their own goals because they think that its their limit .. but limitations actually dosen't make the best out of us.. setting a goal wif not limits.. that is when u be the best.. because u just give all u got.. u never know how much u can give.. until u try.. You never know until u flap your wing.. and know how hight u can fly!
Well.. life is not a reharsal.. is like a box of chocolate, you never know what u gonna get =)
I've seen so much.. and i know there is more! World.. i only seen singapore and a few other countries.. i wish i could see the entire world! Thats why bening in a band going to a world tour.. is great! well.. now i only see the world from my pc or books.. but it can never be as real as being there.. People always limit their own goals because they think that its their limit .. but limitations actually dosen't make the best out of us.. setting a goal wif not limits.. that is when u be the best.. because u just give all u got.. u never know how much u can give.. until u try.. You never know until u flap your wing.. and know how hight u can fly!
Well.. life is not a reharsal.. is like a box of chocolate, you never know what u gonna get =)
Monday, March 28, 2005
Life just began
Whats up mates... I been updating my blog these few days constanly.. also dunnoe why.. just felt like doing it lol... Today went out to buy 2 long pants.. haha because i dun have any at home.. also borrow from my brothers.. Today in skool.. half the time i was dozing of.. cause i go take my medicine than feel so drowsy.. haha ..than go home only sleep all the way till 7pm.. so nice the feeling.. 4 more days!! i going to australia muhahaha.... turning 17 in 3 days.. but i find it no point to be excited abt unless i turn 18 haha.. well.. one more year.. Today i felt that i should really do something about my music life.. i should start composing songs and lyrics.. these few days i been focusing on Muse.. they rocks baby..!! AHAH ... i love them.. the song below.. i just love the tune and meaning of it.. Sing for absolution is also a damn freaking nice song.. haha..
It makes me feel to high and motivated.. well.. alot of people celebrated easter day and say it brings them closer to God.. well can't offend them.. For me.. God is forever with me.. and that close to me.. everyday in my life.. God is there.. can't see him or feel him.. my actions are all watched and recorded.. What can replace God to me.. nothing execpt God himself.. I have my duty to live this life which i am given.. I shall fufill my duties by turning into a wonderful life! Life is beautiful.. the perfect creation of human.. for mankind.. yea.. Music is one thing that everybody likes in many ways.. Thats why i wan to be a musician.. a great one .. one day .. ! Muse is like my target to achieve .. follow their footsteps and make even better music.. thats the start and begining only.. lol.. I got to improve my english mates! haha.. my english is horrible.. until i can't even express my feelings out properly.. people always mistake me.. well.. somehow i i will clear this and show my real identity .. lol.. haha
Life has just begun... Here i come! My destiny My dream My fate My life My tale My choice
Its all up to me to decide.. =)
It makes me feel to high and motivated.. well.. alot of people celebrated easter day and say it brings them closer to God.. well can't offend them.. For me.. God is forever with me.. and that close to me.. everyday in my life.. God is there.. can't see him or feel him.. my actions are all watched and recorded.. What can replace God to me.. nothing execpt God himself.. I have my duty to live this life which i am given.. I shall fufill my duties by turning into a wonderful life! Life is beautiful.. the perfect creation of human.. for mankind.. yea.. Music is one thing that everybody likes in many ways.. Thats why i wan to be a musician.. a great one .. one day .. ! Muse is like my target to achieve .. follow their footsteps and make even better music.. thats the start and begining only.. lol.. I got to improve my english mates! haha.. my english is horrible.. until i can't even express my feelings out properly.. people always mistake me.. well.. somehow i i will clear this and show my real identity .. lol.. haha
Life has just begun... Here i come! My destiny My dream My fate My life My tale My choice
Its all up to me to decide.. =)
Falling away with you

Falling away with you
Extracted from : 'Absolution' (22/09/03)
Written by : Matthew Bellamy
I can?t remember when it was good
Moments of happiness elude
Maybe I just misunderstood
All of the love we left behind
Watching the flash backs intertwain
Memories I will never find
Whatever you've become
Forget the reckless things we've done
I think our lives have just begun
I think our lives have just begun
And I?ll feel my world crumbling down
Feel my life crumbling now
Feel my soul crumbling away
Falling away
Falling away with you
Staying awake to chase the dream
Tasting the air you?re breathing in
I hope I won?t forget a thing
I wish to hold you close and pray
Watching a fantasy decade
Nothing will ever stay the same
And all of the love we threw away
And all of the hopes we?ve cherished fade
Making the same mistakes again
Making the same mistakes again
And I?ll feel my world crumbling down
Feel my life crumbling now
Feel my soul crumbling away
And falling away
Falling away with you
All of the love we left behind
Watching the flash backs intertwain
Memories I will never find
Memories I will never find

This song suits me alot.. For the kind of situation i am in... This is what i think its best to go on in life =) Life has just began!
Sunday, March 27, 2005
Hello mates... i dunnoe why i read my blog's past enteries... can't believe so many things did happen to me.. in just 1 year.. lol.. amazing!! Well now.. i am starting to understand certain things.. What has brought me down and how i fight my way back up.. why things just go wrong... why people behave this way.. why i am being treated like this.. all this questions run through me almost everyday.. answers which i am not sure of.. the only thing that keeps me going is the will to go on in life.. even just being alone.. a future that i once shared wif has been gone.. now a new future is ahead of me.. shall i take the step forward? of course i will.. if i dun than i am stupid.. because i will end up being left on the self..
tommorrow skool starts again .. 5 more days!!! to going australia ...!!! YEAAEA WHOOO HOOOOOOOO MUAHAHAHAHA.... yea yea yea yea.. it would be a good time to clear all my doubts that i been having for this month...
tommorrow skool starts again .. 5 more days!!! to going australia ...!!! YEAAEA WHOOO HOOOOOOOO MUAHAHAHAHA.... yea yea yea yea.. it would be a good time to clear all my doubts that i been having for this month...
Friday, March 25, 2005
Good Friday? nah...
Helloo... Just only woke up around 11am... Still feel quite sleepy... CAn't believe i posted so many things in my blog.. Not even know who are the people reading.. its not that i wan to tell the whole world.. just that those who are intrested are always welcome to read =) I think life has just began for me.. because what happened in the past no longer hold me back.. I would like to thank Muse alot lol.. listening to their songs everyday.. Give me the desire to wake up agian and shine out in life.. Even their songs are like the world is ending or revenge.. It just motivates me.. their music is just simply wonderful.. Oasis on the other hand is also a very good band.. Both of these bands have orignality.. no one plays like them... For the first time in my life.. i felt like studying.. very hard.. Its sounds scary when ppl say they realise something and they ignore you.. but i am not like that because no matter how much i realise things.. i will not leave anyone behind.. Yesterday when i was at home.. i felt regretful.. for not doing well in my psle.. if i had done better i could be 1 year ahead and together wif my badge of friends.. now just only seeing them moving forward and me still here.. Someday i must catch up wif them.. I also wun leave myself behind... After my O'levels.. there is many things i wish to do.. firstly is my band.. i wanna repolish my band.. Train our selves up until muse standart of play.. than we start composing... I been training my vocal for abt a month aready.. but now i am sick got sore throat.. my biggest dream is still the be a musician for all my life.. But of course my studies must also always be there to hold me back in case i dun make it.. I been thinking.. i dun wan to be someone simple and common.. Someone who is different.. Other than being a musician i wanna be a air pilot.. or become a businessman.. I make it big for my life.. no matter what.. i still have achieve that much in life than i am pleased.. It sounds quite selfish of thinking like that. but that is my dreams.. the only way i can for once be very happy.. when actually the things i love doing all my life is my work.. that is cool.. because its something we are doing from the best of ourselves... Today is good friday..lol.. exactly one year ago.. my fren invited me to her fren house for a party.. i thot it was just a normal simply party.. in the end they were celebrating good friday.. lol.. they explained to me abt christianity and even played a game related to the bible.. of course i din mind.. even showed me a video tape the crossing.. it turn out that 2 of my frens also had the same idea as me.. they are also not christians thinking its just a normal party.. to be frank.. i face this a couple of times.. when people talk about christianity infront of my face.. even in skool.. or class.. its just something i would like to have say but it always never turn out to be good .. cause its always agianst.. lol =x I got a few friends who had the same exprience as me.. when they go out as a group and being left out just because he or she is not a christian.. I dunnoe how can i say how i feel about this.. i fell that everyone should not divide among themselves.. it feels so terrible.. being leftout for me its okie.. but others cannot take it.. I have quite a board knowledge for most of the religions.. but i dun think its enough to really understand everything.. I trying to borrow the da vinci code from chee fatt.. heard its a damn good book.. but its agianst catholic.. Well there is no harm finding out more.. that is what most people fear.. finding of more beyond their religion.. you dun see a muslim reading a bible out there dun you? well there is a minority la.. but i think that is being unselfish.. to understand more.. But of course i got to know my own religion well enough first.. not enough.. very well ... and just compare.. like SBQ lol.. that is when skills comes in.. Humanities ... everyone is trying to save mankind .. but what is the real truth? If america thinks money is bigger than saving lives.. what about their beliefs? CAn we trust them? not only them.. alot of people.. just because of money.. ppl mislead us into this confusion.. everything is about money.. corruption.. My personal exprience is that.. even i never felt God before.. i know he is there.. no one can feel God.. its all about your thinking.. everyone can say they feel God.. But for me.. i think its something about your thinking.. Why i still believe even if i dun feel it? Because i know that the truth is that no one can feel God.. He is way off too powerful for u to feel.. Only the messengers have a small bit of it to feel.. after centuries.. who had? I dunnoe why i suddenly talk abt this.. but this is just something i been running through my mind.. If things happen, if it is good, it is because you earn it.. this is the most basic steps in life.. u cannot depend on someone else or luck.. its all up to you.. Thats why now i must start working hard... i just look forward to see what i get at the end of the day.. =)
Wednesday, March 23, 2005
Muse rocks man!!
Hello... today was sick when i woke up this morning.. din felt like going skool.. but sitll i had because i have to pass the cds to jin hua and do my test.. tml her bqq .. i dun think i can go because i am sick.. plus must pay $10!! wahh.. friday still got another bbq from zh hao.. the gu niang man... Well frankly my thoughts and feelings for the past few days.. i still have thoughts about the past abt the times i had wif her.. it was like it was all a dream.. even it did happen it feels so werid.. life being single is not bad after all.. the funny thing abt her is that she straight away had another bf after she broke off wif me.. it sounds so werid.. lol.. watever la.. my bro saw her at science center for a couple of days.. than i told my bro this.. u expect me to do wad? go there now ?? haha got to be kidding.. i rather sleep at home.. and i shouldn't bother to care abt her anymore... cause this is was she asked for.. so be it...
Life in skool has been okay la.. improving everyday.. listen to class more.. i think i gonna study hell of alot by now.. my parents bought so many assement books for me.. Recently i became intrested in playing drums.. dunnoe why but its damn fun when i try to play muse songs.. Sing for absolution is a nice song... damn slow and relax.. even if its rock.. its smooth.. =) now i going to have english tution too.. from my bro's english tutor last time one... on saturday he is comming.. i wrote him a essay about my wish of a talent i wan to possess and how i make use of it.. of course i talked abt music la.. but i think its badly written by me haha.. nvm la.. should learn from mistakes...
Can't wait!! one more week i am going to australia!! yea..
Life in skool has been okay la.. improving everyday.. listen to class more.. i think i gonna study hell of alot by now.. my parents bought so many assement books for me.. Recently i became intrested in playing drums.. dunnoe why but its damn fun when i try to play muse songs.. Sing for absolution is a nice song... damn slow and relax.. even if its rock.. its smooth.. =) now i going to have english tution too.. from my bro's english tutor last time one... on saturday he is comming.. i wrote him a essay about my wish of a talent i wan to possess and how i make use of it.. of course i talked abt music la.. but i think its badly written by me haha.. nvm la.. should learn from mistakes...
Can't wait!! one more week i am going to australia!! yea..
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